First, know the varied options Key Largo has: all the Keys
are lovely however, if your time is short, you can see more staying in one
place; making Key West a day trip or a ½ day trip to the Redlands Trail and the
Alligator Farm.
what is on your dream list?
sitting on your own dock watching the sunset? Swim without
sea grass? then vacation home on the bay side;
want to bring your boat and have to have the fastest out for
snorkeling or deep sea fishing? think ocean side;
IF you are planning to rent a boat, it is easy to walk
across the street to rent a boat on the ocean sideJ A nice way to have your cake and eat it
fishing right from your boat? a houseboat! (not all houseboat rentals
allow fishing off their boats nor is the fishing very good; both our houseboats
we allow fishingJ
Its even better to take the kayak into the bay and fish or one of three
special places in our neighborhood.
lots of biking or kayaking? think vacation home that offers kayaks and bikes!
Want to swim with the manatee?
Want other guests around to meet or more the traditional
hotel with pool?
The Florida Keys have lots of choices from houseboats,
sailboats, small economical cottages, a lovely home or your very own
Keep in mind, a home can be a mobile home: only 3 steps to
the outdoors or a cement home up a flight of stairs. ***This really changes the WAY in which you live on your
The other big changer is being right on the water or not.
To have the water be an integral part of the vacation is, in
my book, BIG.
To roll out of bed, see the water, a fish or manatee swim
by, walk out with a morning brew of tea or coffee, feel the sun and its glisten
off the water, no extra steps to popping into the kayak or for a swim.
The opportunity to be with nature is just a lot more when
you are directly ON the water, near the bay or on one of the bays.
There are canals tucked into Key Largo- yes, they are on the
water, look at the photos and location: not all canals are swim-able; quick to
the bay or on a bay that is close to see nature.